Rough Cuts - ArtCAM Express The Basics

We are excited to have posted a special video for our ArtCAM Express (ACE) users. Over the last few months we have had a couple of questions posed to us on how to use our mini-projects in ACE.

We are sure we have answered a couple of these in this short video.

Touching on things like planning your finished piece, centering models, proper method of pasting floating clip-art, how to get ACE to create outlines of pasted clip-art, cropping a model, and much more.

Gorilla Video - Help.jpg

If you are an ArtCAM Express user that that is considering purchasing or already uses CNCminiProjects, and would like to learn a few tips and tricks, this might be the best 15 minutes you'll ever spend.

Even if you are not a customer of ours but do use ACE or are new to ACE then this is a must watch.

We will be adding more Rough Cuts videos specifically for ACE users, in the future, so you might want to subscribe to our YouTube channel or get on our mailing list so you can see them all.

If you are an ArtCAM Express user and have a specific question please feel free to leave a comment and we will get back to you with an answer or attack it in a future video.

Be safe and safe CNCing.

Our Easy Guide to Building a Coat of Arms and Carving it!

It takes centuries for most clans to create a coat of arms and now, with our help, you an do it in minuets!

We have added 2 coat of arms themed mini-projects in the last couple of months.  
The first is a base set of models that will help you to create a proper basic coat of arms.  The second is an achievement pack that adds some great elements to add to the the first set of models and fill out your coat of arms. 

The Family Coat of Arms No.1 has a great mix of models that will surly give you a perfect base for your special job.

- 2 helmets
- 2 sets of flourishes
- 2 shields
- 2 ribbons

The Family Coat of Arms Achievement Pack No.1 is filled with 6 models to mix, match and add to your creation.

- Helmet
- Plumes
- Boars Head
- Thistle
- Ribbon  


Below is a great example of how the two mini-projects can be used together.  The coat of arms on the left (or first image) was created using the models for the Family Coat of Arms No.1 mini-project.  The image on the right (or the second image) is the same coat of arms but with the addition of models from the Family Coat of Arms Achievement Pack No.1.  WOW... Amazing!

Don't forget 2 key things... all of these models can be machined on their own or used with any other mini-project (also all of the models you currently have).    

We know what you are thinking... "None of these looks like MY coat of arms!" .  Well you might be right so we need your help in getting more coat of arms models made that will fit your needs.  Email us a picture of your coat of arms with your comments and we will add the bits to our list of models to be made and added.

Well there you have it!

Now get out there and get carving!

The CNCminiProjects Team!

PNGs for our CarveWright friends!

Just a quick little post to all of our CarveWright friends out there who have been wondering if they can use our mini-projects.  The answer is YES!!!! 

All of our mini-projects are offered in a gray-scale, PNG format that can be imported into your software. 

We know this might not be the preferred method and most would like us to offer the .PTN version.  We are hoping to do that in the future once we get our hands on the software to make the conversion (psst... if you know someone at CarveWright, wink, wink, point them in our direction).

For now, and you can test this out with our free mini-project, just import in the .PNG grayscale and your software should convert the levels of gray into the bas-relief.   

Give it a go and if you have any questions, suggestion, or comments... please leave them for us to ponder. 

Well... what are you waiting for!  Get carving!!!!

The CNCminiProjects Team!