Does your grass hut's bar need an update?

Break out that grass skirt (or plaid shorts)​, pour yourself a tall cold drink, garnish it with an orange slice and an umbrella cause you're going to need it.  The Tiki Bar No.1 mini-project has arrived.

We know the old grass hut is looking a bit run down and a new sign might just help.  

This new mini-project contains 7 models that can be mixed and matched into a pile of different projects.  ​

Don't let your imagination limit you to just bar signs.  How about a cool "KEEP OUT!" sign for the kids tree house.  Now that would get you some points!!!​

Add a loop to the palm tree and have it 3D printed into a pendant to celebrate a special trip south... wow tons of points there.​​

Order and Download it today!

Happy CNC'ing... and watch for flying spears.​

Rose Tiles - Broken - No.1 - UPDATE

Hello Weekend CNC Warrior!

It has come to our attention that some of our customers had slight issues with how the Rose Tile No.1 mini-project measured up.  The 2 tiles did not line up perfect and required a bit of jigging in order for them to look right and the transition between the tiles was not as smooth as it should have been.

We have taken that feedback and re-created the 2 broken tiles so that when merged together you will get a much better result.

Also we discovered that converting our ArtCAM files to Aspire is tricky when you are dealing with objects that need to line up perfect.  So we re-create the Aspire 3Dclip files directly in Aspire to make this work much better.

We do have a tip or two that will help when merging the tiles together:

- Overlap the tiles by a slight bit

- Jog/nudge/move the tiles left or right/up or down by a slight bit if you still notice anything off.

Thanks to the valuable feedback we received we can deliver a super end product to you.  Thanks for all of the feedback keep it coming!

If you have purchased the Rose Tile No.1 mini-project in the past you should have already received an email from us with a link to the updated files.  If not please let us know and we will be sure to be in contact.  We have also updated the full mini-project files so when new customer purchase this mini-project the will get the latest files.

Thanks again and keep safe!

A new CNCminiproject that will save your hide!

Never miss a special occasion again... NEVER!  This mini-project is packed with tons of possibility.

One image can't do this mini-project justice... so you will just have to check it out for yourself!

Be the hero you deserve to be.  Have this one on hand when you are asked to make that last minuet house warming gift.

Forgot your anniversary... NO PROBLEM!  This little number has you covered!

This is a must have mini-project to keep in your arsenal!  

You can thank us later.